Our Mission

Our mission is to establish a spiritually-conscious community, where our community members, individually and collectively awaken to their unique spiritual centers.


Vision Statement

To anchor the Kingdom of God on Earth, by using the sacred arts to create a conscious environment, that keeps us in perpetual remembrance that Spirit is all there is.

Purpose Statement

To create the consciousness, the opportunity, and place for the awakening of all of humanity, by opening their hearts, expanding their minds, and growing in the Spirit.

Our Core Values

LOVE: God is love and so are you. Your ability to give and receive love is a gift from your Creator.

HEALING: Anything and everyone can heal; wholeness is your natural and normal state.

ONENESS: You are connected to every living being through an intricate web of divine life.

ABUNDANCE: The Universe is a lavish and rich place; it is filled with abundance. You are heir to the entire estate.

SPIRITUAL GROWTH: You are here to grow in your awareness of the Presence of God and to experience the depth of unconditional love.

SERVICE: Service to others is an expression of our Oneness. It is a spiritual practice of compassion.

DIVERSITY: We honor all paths to God and celebrate the diversity of an Infinite Creator.