
Throughout the year, various classes are offered to enhance your spiritual growth.

University StudentsClasses are an integral part of your spiritual growth. They bring to your life a deeper understanding of who you are and your place in the world. By investing in yourself through classes, you experience a richer and healthier life. Become a student of life and a partner with Spirit. Learn how to use your power to create the kind of life you desire.

New Class: “Beyond Limits”

Would you like to enhance your spiritual connection to a Higher Power? Are you ready to discover your emerging direction and purpose and how to make it happen?

Join Rev. Brenda Woods for 10 weeks of self discovery and revelation within an experiential format of lecture, discussion, sharing and process. In the all new Beyond Limits class, learn in a dynamic new course that it takes the foundational principles and offers them in a new format with Science of Mind.  Topics include:

  • Oneness
  • Spiritual Mind Treatment
  • the reciprocal universe
  • the Creative Process
  • Hidden Beliefs
  • and other essential principles

It also offers new wording and ideas for presenting our basic ideas in new ways. Contact the church office to register or for more information contact us at  Classes begin Monday, April 15, 2019! Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your life and tap into your spirituality!

The Essential Ernest Holmes

Are you

  • Seeking Greater Spiritual Growth and Development?
  • Want More Prosperity?
  • Desire Healing?

This course is for YOU! This course is based upon What We Believe! You will be examining your own beliefs and uncovering how to make the power of this teaching come alive in your life. This course is a must for those seeking true freedom. This is a CSL Certification Course. The class meets weekly and begins November 12, 2018, at 5:30 pm. Contact the church office to register!


There are basic spiritual principles that govern your life and how much good comes to you. Once you learn them, you can take charge of your destiny and create the life you of your dreams. This Foundations class teaches you how to easily attract the good you seek without having to manipulate it from an unwilling and unresponsive world. Find out how you can get more of what you want when you take this class. It promises to change your life forever. portrait of cute young female student isolated on white backgrou

The Foundations class is a prerequisite for all Science of Mind studies. It is the beginning course that leads to being a licensed Practitioner and/or Minister.

Facilitator: Rev. Brenda Woods
Class Dates: TBD
Tuition: TBD


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