Weekly Affirmation

July 26, 2020

Today I celebrate the abundance of all-good. I am aware my unlimited good is at hand, for it is my inheritance. Right now, I choose a new beginning of greater harmony, peace, love, and healing in my life. I activate the feeling of satisfaction of freedom within me. I rejoice joyfully in this vibration of freedom with a grateful heart. For I know It is done “As” I believe. I Let It Be So! And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

July 19, 2020

I Am filled with the life of God. For I know the Christ Mind lives within me. I Am infused with the Power of Divine Spirit. And I Am now established in the Christ Consciousness of comfort, wisdom and strength. I have faith in the abundant life. I Am lifted up by pure Love and joyously dance, by the renewing of my mind. In this awareness, I AM unified with the Holy Spirit and I am Free! For I know It is done “As” I believe. I Let It Be So! And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

July 12, 2020

I am raised into the Christ Consciousness. The Illuminating Power of Truth awakens my soul. Spirit’s vitalizing energy floods my entire being. And my heart is filled with joy. I allow my good to manifest itself into my life. As I now rest in the awareness of God’s wisdom and grace. I am thankful and grateful for the Christ consciousness. For I know It is done “As” I believe. I Let It Be So! And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

July 5, 2020

The Joy of Living the good Life radiates through my entire being. God’s enthusiasm for beauty, love, abundance for peace shines through me now. I am convinced that the all good of pure Spirit guides my every step. Anything that would hinder me is nothing trying to become something. My consciousness of oneness erases all resistance to this nothingness. I see with clarity, I stand with spiritual conviction, I release to Spirit. I dare to fly with my faith in the One God within which makes me free. I live in high gratitude.   For I know It is done “As” I believe. I Let It Be So! And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

June 28, 2020

I recognize I Am a child of God, joint heirs with Christ, the unlimited substance of Divine Spirit.  I Am infused with the Christ consciousness, and with this awareness, I know the rich bountiful supply of all good is ever unfolding and ever increasing itself in my life right now! As I press forward with this consciousness of gratitude and a grateful heart, I Am free! I rejoice in this Truth.  For I Know It Is Done, “As” I Believe.  I Let It Be So. And So It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

June 21, 2020

I now open my consciousness to the Eternal Light of Divine Love. I know the Light of God permeates my entire being. I relax in the Father Spirit, I know everything is working together for my good! I have an expectant consciousness of harmony and right action taking place in all that I do. I know rejoice in an attitude of gratitude, knowing the invisible is made visible. I am grateful for this Law of Truth.  I Let It Be So!  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

June 14, 2020

I stand in love of pure Spirit and let it flow. The energy of devotion keeps my attention on the peace of God. In this awareness I behold the all good of the universe. I willingly let go of resentment, animosity and fear. I am willing to live the life of faith instead of doubt. The Spirit of God uplifts me, the joy of God carries me. All of my needs are met, as I stand strong in faith awareness. I give thanks for my life in God! I Let It Be So! For I know It is done “As” I believe. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods) 

June 7, 2020

I stand in this now moment as radiant life of Pure Spirit, All that I do and say, is inspired by the great I am Presence in my life. Words of Truth and acts of Love pour from my well of God Consciousness. The invisible flame of God’s Love burns away all of my fears and doubts. My body temple demonstrates the perfect pattern of wholeness. All praise to God!  I Let It Be So!  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

May 31, 2020

This is the day the Lord has made, and I rejoice in it. I am aware that pure Spirit animates my entire being. I accept the greatness that God now has in store for me. Fear and anxiety are released from my mind. Illusions of lack are erased from my experience. I live in the now free and creative. I am anchored in Truth and I shall not be moved. I remain in gratitude and thanksgiving. I Let It Be So!  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

May 24, 2020

With Love as the activity of my consciousness I bless this day. I am willing to behold the beauty, the peace and the order everywhere. I turn towards the light of God by turning within. With the inward glance my life begins a new. The shackles of my soul are now broken. The chains of my spirit are dissolved. All of my needs are met, as I live for God. My soul rejoices in gratitude. I know give thanks for simply being alive.  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

May 17, 2020

Today I celebrate the breath of Life in me and the Love of God that dwells in me, in this moment! I know, I am surrounded by a creative intelligence that governs the universe. I trust now in this Love Intelligence that sustains me. And right now I choose to accept Joy and Peace in my life. I have faith in this power of Love. I now stand boldly in faith of the Presence of Love. For I know I am divinely supported in all that I do! Life is Good! I am grateful for this truth and awareness.  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

May 10, 2020

I celebrate the Divine feminine. The vibration of love, The healing energy. It lives, moves and has its being in me. It is operating within me now! I open my consciousness now to this frequency which is everywhere present. I embrace God’s unchanging grace, for I am A Vortex of Love. And I am grateful and give thanks for its unfailing love.  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

May 3, 2020

With my attention on Spirit I respond to Divine Love.  In joyful receptivity I yield to peace and  wisdom. With inner stillness I accept all God is. The feeling of lack and limitation flee from faith. Prosperity, success and well being is the vibe that I carry. Thank you pure spirit, thank you life, thank you God.  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

April 26, 2020

I lift my consciousness to the realization that any crucifixion in my life is followed by a magnificent resurrection. I look beyond appearances of limitation and see the Truth of Infinite Possibilities. Therefore I shift my attitude to see perfection of the all goodness of God. And I now surrender to the Christ consciousness of perfection in my life. For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen.

April 19, 2020

I arise from the tomb of death and awaken to the indwelling Christ within me! I recognize my connection with God the Father. I rest in Christ Consciousness and I am resurrected and my life transformed. Divine Spiritual Power and Wisdom flood my entire being and I am lifted up! The Radiance of Truth illuminates my mind and I am filled with light. I now stand boldly in the reality of my higher-self and my soul rejoices. Thank you Holy Spirit, with a grateful heart. For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

April 12, 2020

The Christ lives in me. I am God’s child expressing my life as the Christ, for God’s Life, Love and Joy is flowing through me and lifting my consciousness to a Heavenly Kingdom of Peace and Love. I salute the Christ in me and I salute the Christ in You! My Faith in God’s Law makes my way possible. I am Grateful and Thankful for this Truth. For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)

April 5, 2020

The Fullness of Life Itself is incarnated as my spirit. The very presence of God is my life. I live direct from God and all of my needs are met, in a most wonderful way. With divine clarity and spiritual insight, I see through the veil of seeming negativity. With God as my rock, I resist no evil. I live fully supported by this magnificent universe. All is indeed well. Thank you Father.  For I know It is done “As” I believe. And I let it be so. And So, It Is! Amen. (written by Rev. Brenda L. Woods)